Art by Ursula Heermann-Jensen

Visual Artist – Painter

With a view to content I look into the complexity of what is. Skills and techniques are used for supporting the inherent statement. Aesthetically beauty is allowed without being superficial.



Welcome to my homepage. I would like to present you with a selection of my paintings and provide you with some insight into my way of working. You will also find a directory of my participation in exhibitions (individual and group) of the last years and a list with fixed dates for the current year.

Have fun surfing!

Kindly Yours

Ursula Heermann-Jensen

Foto©Georg Krause

Welcome to my homepage. I would like to present you with a selection of my paintings and provide you with some insight into my way of working. You will also find a directory of my participation in exhibitions (individual and group) of the last years and a list with fixed dates for the current year.

Have fun surfing!

Kindly Yours

Ursula Heermann-Jensen

Foto©Georg Krause

Works Quince 

Works On the Way

Works  Get wars not peace


Works Networking

Works Shadows

Works Flowers

Works Sweet Art

Works Small Format